To most people, Barry Farms is a nice, quiet place where you can sit
outside and play around or just have fun but that is where you are
wrong. Barry Farms is a small neighborhood in Southeast. It could be
one of the oldest neighborhoods in Washington. Barry Farms was founded
by and owned by a man named James Barry in the mid-19th century. Since
then, the population in Barry Farms has decreased in size. It was a
very large and popular neighborhood, which stretched all the way to
13th street. Barry Farms is located on Martin Luther King Ave. Barry
Farms is also known as housing project. With all the violence and
crime there, you would think that everyone committing the crime should
belong in jail. When I go out everyday, I hear people saying Barry
Farms is a bad neighborhood. I believe that these accusations are just
stereotypes because black people live in this neighborhood. I have
been a resident of Barry Farms all my life. There are many things that
are wrong with this neighborhood. First of all, when you need
something fixed in your home, management never comes on time. Second
of all, at all hours of the night, you just hear people and their
children outside cussing, fighting, and just disturbing the peace. A
curfew law was just set, so now you will see police officers riding up
and down the street securing the area making sure everyone is in by a
certain time. Now since the curfew law was set I feel that Barry Farms
is kind of safe but they still need more strict laws and more
inspiration leaders.

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