Among his many talents are playing guitar,skateboarding,and most of all,his artwork.
Antarah has been drawing since he can remember,and painting for about five years now. He is a student at theWashington Studio School , which gives him the opportunity to showcase his artwork at various art galleries and cafes all over D.C. and Maryland, including Tryst in Adams Morgan, March of this year. He was also paid $500 to paint for the Capitol Fringe Festival.
If he had to choose a label for his artwork, he would say it was 'folk art', but he doesn't really have a defined style of art. He does landscapes, portraits, and abstract art, which are all very different from one another.

'If someone were to ask why I paint, I suppose my only answer would be that I paint for the sake of painting. I guess I just like putting my ideas on a canvas, or a wall, creating something that will last, thus in a way, making me immortal. And, with portraits, make other people immortal. I suppose this connection derives from ones fear of being forgotten after death.'

Antarah has a lot to offer, and is well on his way to becoming a phenomenal artist, especially for his age. Many 17-year-olds haven't gotten this far in their careers--not even close!
If you like what you saw you can visit his blog 'Brainwash Your Face', to see more of his artwork, and even buy some if you'd like.
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