Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ms. Anacostia

East of the river is the place, but Anacostia's the name of the historic area. It not only shelters the black community of DC, but is also home to our very own Fredrick Douglass. Filled with numerous of recreations  to accompany the youth of Anacostia is now under going a major makeover. There's more housing to take citizens in and well known neighborhoods such as Barry Farms are being rebuilt. The Anacostia area now has more restaurants and shopping malls than ever before. It was once known for the worst area in DC, now its considered to be part of the tourist attraction. Anacostia and it's people have excelled through a lot over the years. Going back century's ago when our founding fathers walked the very streets as wee see today. And our ancestors which were slaves, lived on plantations which we call our neighborhoods today. East of the river was canceled out for a long time, it was said that only welfare and convict citizens come out of Anacostia. But now there is living proof that "Ana" is more than that. Talent runs in every citizens blood in the Anacostia area, and the youth have dreams just like any other child in DC. I believe that Anacostia brings life to DC, it's a very unique area with very unique people, Anacostia has kept hope alive for DC.

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